The HyperSonic Sound Technology

 The HyperSonic® Sound technology gives you the ability to direct sound where you want it and nowhere else. With the combination of an ultrasonic powered emitter and a proprietary signal processor/amplifier, HSS® can focus sound into a tight beam for optimal sound directionality and intelligibility.

 Similar to a beam of light, HSS uses ultrasonic energy to “shine” your sound on a very specific area. HSS converts music or voice into a complex ultrasonic signal prior to amplification. Once emitted, the converted sound forms a sound column in front of the emitter, which remains focused as it encounters a listener located in the narrow column of sound.

This effect is produced without the conventional speaker’s excess baggage – there are no voice coils, cones, crossover networks, or enclosures. Sound does not spread to the sides or rear of an HSS unit, eliminating the problem of uncomfortable and unwanted noise pollution produced by conventional speakers. 

A traditional loudspeaker can be thought of as a bare light bulb, and HSS technology as a flashlight. As with the light bulb, a traditional loudspeaker radiates sound in all directions. A listener can stand anywhere in an acoustical environment and point to the speaker as the source of the sound. HSS, on the other hand, emits ultrasonic sound in a highly controlled, narrow beam, so that HSS can be heard only if you are “in the beam” or in a position to hear the reflected sound from a virtual source. For example, you can direct the ultrasonic emitter toward a hard surface such as a wall and the listener perceives the sound as coming from the spot on the wall.  

The directional focus of the HSS technology can be used to: 

  • Deliver sound to areas which are either physically impossible to access or too costly to install conventional loudspeakers
  • Isolate sound to a specific region or person
  • Communicate highly intelligible messages over long distances
  •  Move sound around a room in real time


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